Enriching Knowledge & Enabling choices

Knowledge is necessary, so is security.

This website does not collect any personal information about the user when you use our website. We may in future use Google analytics to analyse the traffic on our website, which in turn may allow Google to collect informations regarding the user device informations, behavioural informations, however these informations are aggregated and can not be used to identify the user individually. For your convenience please read Googles privacy policy for better understanding of how Google uses the data.

We may in future use third party advertising companies such as Google Adsense to serve ads when the user visits our website. These websites may collect informations regarding your name, address and email id to better provide the user with personalised ads.that are relevant to the users interest.

This website informations may not be suitable in some cases for minors or children under the age of 13.

We utilise safe protocols for data representation. As of now we do not provide any method to collect and utilise any data of user in any way or form but still we use safe protocols like HTTPS to build trust in the users of our website.

This privacy policy may undergo updation from time to time. We encourage you to always review this website's privacy policy before using any of its services which may come in the future.